I welcome you to our ‘Like A Garment’ e-book, an initiative that seeks to educate Muslims to find conjugal bliss in their marriages. The initiative is called ‘Like A Garment’, from the famous Quranic phrase of spouses being like garments to one another. The website has two aims: to disseminate information about this topic (which will, Insha Allah, be beneficial to all Muslims, single and married), and to garner, via anonymous questionnaires, the problems and concerns that the Muslims of our times are facing in this area (which will help me better prepare future lectures).
Author: Abu Ammaar Yaasir al-Qaadi
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Discover Islam: A brief book that guides a person towards Islam, Islam is the religion and way of life of about one Fifth of the world's population. Muslims are of diverse nationalities, cultures and races, but their Religion teaches that all humanity is essentially equal. It guides them to the Straight Path.
Author: Mustafa Malaikah
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: A website Islamic Library www.islamicbook.ws
A book which presents Islam to educated readers in the West in particular and from any other background in general. It is a book the covers a wide variety of topics from religion ot sceince and philosophy. It tackles the problem of atheism and darwinism but presents Islam from its authentic sources and shows the remarkable intellectual heritage presented by Islam as complete way of life. Finally, it is the right book to give to sincere truth seekers worldwide, God willling.
Author: Abdullah ibn Saeed Ash-Shehri
Publisher: http://www.jubaildawah.org - The Website of The Cooperative Office for Propagation, Guidance, and Warning of Expatriates - Jubail
Fatawa concerning looking at members of the same and opposite sex.
Author: The Memphis Dawah Team
Publisher: Memphis Dawah
Source: http://www.islamhouse.com/p/1279
The Quran and Modern Science: This book has statements of a scientific nature contained in the Qur’an and other subjects to specialists from other disciplines. Astronomers, zoologists, geologists and specialists in the history of the earth would all have been struck, just as forcibly as medical doctors, by the presence in the Qur’an of highly accurate reflections on natural phenomena.
Author: Maurice Bucaille
Reveiwers: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Some enlightening solutions to common problems faced by Muslims in practicing their religion
Author: Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Publisher: http://www.islamqa.com - Islam : Question & Answer Website
Source: http://www.islamhouse.com/p/1341