Prophet Muhammad –pbuh- said: (All mankind are mistaker, and the best mistakers are those who make repentance) narrated by Al-Turmuthe. This booklet is small in size yet it is great in value. It shows the reality of repentance and the way leading to it.
Publisher: Daar Al-Watan
The Author, a well-known British lady writer tries to make the reader aware of the Islamic standard for an ideal husband and to encourage the husband to reach that standard as much as he wishes his wife to reach it as an ideal Muslim wife.
Author: Aisha Lemu
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: Islamic call and guidance centre in Abha:
I welcome you to our ‘Like A Garment’ e-book, an initiative that seeks to educate Muslims to find conjugal bliss in their marriages. The initiative is called ‘Like A Garment’, from the famous Quranic phrase of spouses being like garments to one another. The website has two aims: to disseminate information about this topic (which will, Insha Allah, be beneficial to all Muslims, single and married), and to garner, via anonymous questionnaires, the problems and concerns that the Muslims of our times are facing in this area (which will help me better prepare future lectures).
Author: Abu Ammaar Yaasir al-Qaadi
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
A Collection Of Wise Sayings (Al-Fawaid): is one of the well-known compilations of Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah (may Allah have mercy upon him). This book consists of the elevated thoughts that Allah bestows upon some of His servants as He wills. So whenever any of these scattered pearls of wisdom occurred to the Imam, he would immediately record them.
Author: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Publisher: Umm Al-Qura for Translation, Publishing & Distribution
A book shows the importance of these ten days and the excellence of deeds in them.
Author: Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Publisher: Islamic Propagation Office in Rabwah
An informative book about the virtues of studying, understanding, reciting, memorizing, and acting upon of the Qur'an, as well as a mention of the virtues of various Surahs.
Author: AbdulQader Al-Arnaoot
Translators: Muhammad Bin Munir Al-Qashlan
Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House