The author said in the introduction, “I write this book to invite people to the religion of Allaah … I briefly explained herein the story of the creation of the Universe, the creation of man and how he was favoured by sending Messengers to him and situation of past religions. I afterwards made an introduction to Islaam as per its meaning and pillars. So, whoever is looking for guidance will find its evidences therein, whoever is looking for salvation may find that I have explained the way to it in this book, whoever desires to follow the track of the Prophets, Messengers and righteous people will find their path herein while those who turn away from their way only befools themselves and take to the straying path. It is a matter of fact that adherents of each religion call others to it and believe that truth only abide in their religion … Thousands of those who embraced Islaam have testified that they did not know real life until after they embraced Islaam and that they did never tasted happiness except under the shade of Islaam. Since it is a fact that every human being looks for happiness, peace of mind and truth, I prepare this work to help them achieve that. I pray that Allaah makes this work purely for His sake and let it be well-accepted and make it one of those righteous deeds that will benefit its doer in this world and the next.”
Author: Muhammad ibn Abdullah as-Saheem
Translators: AbdulRafe Adyoyl Emam
Publisher: A website Islamic Library
A wonderful booklet mentions the predictions about the Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) in Psalm, Old Testament and New Testament. It also discusses some other issues.
Publisher: - Website of Rasoulullah (peace be upon him)
The Complete and Final Message to Man is a brief presentation of Islam defining its terms and teachings, followed by an advice to the Muslims and non-Muslims on following the path of the Righteous Predecessors.
Author: AbdulRahman Bin Abdulkarim Al-Sheha
Publisher: - Islam Land Website
This is an important book talks about a common issue misunderstood but misused by lots of thinkers and orientalists. It is “Why did Prophet Muhammad marry Aisha the young girl?” The author shows the reason behind their discussion. They want to distort the picture of Prophet Muhammad not criticize the marriage of young girl. Also if this kind of marriage was strange, why did not the disbelievers of Quraish use it as a pretext against Muhammad?! The author discusses other topics such as: Europe also allows marrying young girls, the age of consent in most countries worldwide.
Publisher: - Website of Rasoulullah (peace be upon him)
An explanation of the 'real' message and relgion which Jesus (peace be upon him) came with, from both the Bible and the Qur'an.
Author: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
A book which presents Islam to educated readers in the West in particular and from any other background in general. It is a book the covers a wide variety of topics from religion ot sceince and philosophy. It tackles the problem of atheism and darwinism but presents Islam from its authentic sources and shows the remarkable intellectual heritage presented by Islam as complete way of life. Finally, it is the right book to give to sincere truth seekers worldwide, God willling.
Author: Abdullah ibn Saeed Ash-Shehri
Publisher: - The Website of The Cooperative Office for Propagation, Guidance, and Warning of Expatriates - Jubail